This tabletop game is all about fueling your imagination with simple, intuitive dice rules. Dungeons and Dragons is awesome, but it can take quite a bit of time and commitment. This game is an effort to simplify the tabletop gaming experience into something quick and intuitive that anyone can enjoy! A game only lasts an hour or two, and it’s portable design allows you to fold it up and save your game. Check out some of the details so far.
The gameplay is based around 3 standard sets of tabletop dice, so anyone can play if they know the rules. One set for the player, one for the enemies, and one set of Violent Fragments (attack modifiers). The turn based gameplay is designed to be simple - requiring only a little bit of math. The dice are only there to add risk and reward to your storytelling (also because rolling dice is fun!).
We’re experimenting with different types of game cards to make the game more intuitive. Some cards can help fuel your imagination, others can help balance or simplify dice rules. We’re still hashing out the details for this stuff.
The dungeon map is currently a hexagonal grid of zones, where a dungeon’s layout and enemy placement are randomly generated through one big dice roll. The red center ring and central zone both increase enemy difficulty in unique ways. All red enemies are given Violent Fragments - powerful attack augmentations required to progress in the game.